Here is a list of countries with visa requirements for Kenyan citizens. You need a valid visa to enter these countries with a Kenyan passport. Keep in mind that Visa information is constantly changing. Travellers should learn about the entry requirements for the country they plan to visit. Even in visa-free or visa-on-arrival countries, advance planning is required. Nobody wants to be turned away at the point of entry.
Countries NOT Visa Free For Kenyan Passport Holders
Country | Country |
Afghanistan | Italy |
Albania | Japan |
Algeria | Kazakhstan |
American Samoa | Kosovo |
Andorra | Latvia |
Angola | Lebanon |
Anguilla | Liberia |
Argentina | Libya |
Armenia | Liechtenstein |
Aruba | Lithuania |
Austria | Luxembourg |
Azerbaijan | Malta |
Bangladesh | Marshall Islands |
Belarus | Mayotte |
Belgium | Mexico |
Belize | Monaco |
Bermuda | Mongolia |
Bhutan | Montenegro |
Caribbean Netherlands | Morocco |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Nauru |
Brazil | Netherlands |
Brunei | New Caledonia |
Bulgaria | New Zealand |
Cameroon | Nicaragua |
Canada | Niger |
Central African Republic | North Korea |
Chad | North Macedonia |
Chile | Northern Mariana Islands |
China | Norway |
Republic of the Congo | Palestine |
Costa Rica | Paraguay |
Ivory Coast | Peru |
Croatia | Poland |
Curaçao | Portugal |
Cyprus | Puerto Rico |
Czechia | Réunion |
Denmark | Romania |
Dominican Republic | Russia |
Ecuador | San Marino |
Egypt | Saudi Arabia |
El Salvador | Serbia |
Equatorial Guinea | Slovakia |
Eritrea | Slovenia |
Estonia | Solomon Islands |
Falkland Islands | South Korea |
Faroe Islands | Spain |
Finland | Sri Lanka |
France | Saint Martin |
French Guiana | Sweden |
French Polynesia | Switzerland |
French West Indies | Syria |
Germany | Taiwan |
Gibraltar | Thailand |
Greece | Tonga |
Greenland | Tunisia |
Guam | Turkmenistan |
Guatemala | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Guinea | United States Virgin Islands |
Guyana | Ukraine |
Honduras | United Kingdom |
Hungary | United States |
Iceland | Uruguay |
Indonesia | Vatican City |
Iraq | Venezuela |
Ireland | Vietnam |
Israel | Yemen |
Please keep in mind that if you have a valid visa that allows you to enter more than one country, you do not need to apply for a new visa. Unfortunately, an African needs a visa to travel to another African country, but as they say, that’s life. Visas are even difficult to obtain in some countries.
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