Countries With Visa Requirements For Kenyan Citizens 2023

Here is a list of countries with visa requirements for Kenyan citizens. You need a valid visa to enter these countries with a Kenyan passport. Keep in mind that Visa information is constantly changing. Travellers should learn about the entry requirements for the country they plan to visit. Even in visa-free or visa-on-arrival countries, advance planning is required. Nobody wants to be turned away at the point of entry.

Countries NOT Visa Free For Kenyan Passport Holders

Country Country
Afghanistan Italy
Albania Japan
Algeria Kazakhstan
American Samoa Kosovo
Andorra Latvia
Angola Lebanon
Anguilla Liberia
Argentina Libya
Armenia Liechtenstein
Aruba Lithuania
Austria Luxembourg
Azerbaijan Malta
Bangladesh Marshall Islands
Belarus Mayotte
Belgium Mexico
Belize Monaco
Bermuda Mongolia
Bhutan Montenegro
Caribbean Netherlands Morocco
Bosnia and Herzegovina Nauru
Brazil Netherlands
Brunei New Caledonia
Bulgaria New Zealand
Cameroon Nicaragua
Canada Niger
Central African Republic North Korea
Chad North Macedonia
Chile Northern Mariana Islands
China Norway
Republic of the Congo Palestine
Costa Rica Paraguay
Ivory Coast Peru
Croatia Poland
Curaçao Portugal
Cyprus Puerto Rico
Czechia Réunion
Denmark Romania
Dominican Republic Russia
Ecuador San Marino
Egypt Saudi Arabia
El Salvador Serbia
Equatorial Guinea Slovakia
Eritrea Slovenia
Estonia Solomon Islands
Falkland Islands South Korea
Faroe Islands Spain
Finland Sri Lanka
France Saint Martin
French Guiana Sweden
French Polynesia Switzerland
French West Indies Syria
Germany Taiwan
Gibraltar Thailand
Greece Tonga
Greenland Tunisia
Guam Turkmenistan
Guatemala Turks and Caicos Islands
Guinea United States Virgin Islands
Guyana Ukraine
Honduras United Kingdom
Hungary United States
Iceland Uruguay
Indonesia Vatican City
Iraq Venezuela
Ireland Vietnam
Israel Yemen

Please keep in mind that if you have a valid visa that allows you to enter more than one country, you do not need to apply for a new visa. Unfortunately, an African needs a visa to travel to another African country, but as they say, that’s life. Visas are even difficult to obtain in some countries.

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