Nairobi to Kisumu Buses and Shuttles with their Fares

Here is a list of Nairobi to Kisumu buses and shuttles with their respective fare prices. The road distance between Nairobi and Kisumu is about 343 km. This is approximately more than six hours if travelling by bus at 50 km per hour. The journey between Nairobi and Kisumu by road can be long and tiresome. Therefore, while planning to travel, you should consider a bus service with comfortable seats, air conditioning, refreshments, adequate leg space, free Wi-Fi, and entertainment.

Kisumu is the third-largest city in Kenya after the capital, Nairobi, and the coastal town of Mombasa. Kisumu is the principal city of western Kenya, the immediate former capital of Nyanza Province, the headquarters of Kisumu County, and the proposed headquarters of the Lake Region Economic Block, a conglomeration of 15 counties in western Kenya.

Nairobi to Kisumu Bus Fare

Bus/Shuttle Company      Fare (Kshs)
Prestige Shuttle 1,500
Guardian Angel 1,900
Safari Luxury Shuttle 1,400
Rog Travellers 1,500
Easy Coach 1,750
Galaxy Express 1,500
NNUS Shuttle 1,500
Mololine Shuttle 1,500
ENA Coach 1,600
Bungoma Line 1,500
Crane Coach 1,800
Mash Poa 1,500
Greenline Royal Company 1,500
Nairobi Bus 1,400
Tahmeed 2,000
Dreamline 1,800
Western Express Coach 1,500

Nairobi to Siaya Bus Fare

The distance between Nairobi and Siaya is 407 km, and the journey takes about 8 hours by bus. You can catch the matatu or bus at Machakos Country Bus Station (Lower side); or Easy Coach at Railways, Haile Selassie Avenue.

Bus/Shuttle Company Fare (Kshs)
Climax Coaches 1,600
ENA Coach 1,600
Easy Coach 1,750
Guardian Angel 1,900
Galaxy Express 1,900

Nairobi to Homabay Bus Fare

The distance between Nairobi and Homabay is 369 km, and the journey takes about 7 hours by bus. You can catch the matatu or bus at Easy Coach at Railways, Haile Selassie Avenue.

Bus/Shuttle Company      Fare (Kshs)
Smart Coach 1,800
Easy Coach 1,400
Galaxy Express 1,800
Guardian Angel 1,650
ENA Coach 1,500

Nairobi to Migori Bus Fare

The distance between Nairobi and Migori is 372 km, and the journey takes about 7 hours by bus. You can catch the matatu or bus at Machakos Country Bus Station (Lower side); or Easy Coach at Railways, Haile Selassie Avenue.

Bus/Shuttle Company      Fare (Kshs)
Easy Coach 1,450
Bungoma Line 2,400
Climax Coaches 2,400
Guardian Angel 1,650
ENA Coach 1,500


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